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Sciatica and Nerve Pain

Common sciatic and nerve pain injuries treated by Pearl Physiotherapy Center

Sciatica is associated with irritation or compression to the sciatic nerve and will manifest itself as leg pain either in the buttock, thigh, calf or foot. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and through its course, has many potential areas for entrapment or irritation from surrounding muscles and joints. At Pearl Physiotherapy Center our expert physiotherapist’s are concerned with finding the cause of your sciatica to allow the most targeted and tailored treatment for you.

Types Of Pains and Causes

Nerve Route Pain

Due to impingement of the nerve on its journey between the vertebra and spinal cord causing irritation and pain.

Piriformis Syndrome

Caused by entrapment from the piriformis as the nerve travels closely to the muscle, and in some people through the muscle belly of the piriformis. If the piriformis becomes tight, or there is a muscle imbalance around the gluteals, this can cause the sciatic nerve to be irritated.

Nerve Interface Entrapment

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. Its course through the spine, into the buttock and into the lower leg has many potential areas for entrapment or irritation that can lead to sciatic pain.