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Workstation Assessments

One-to-one specialist independent assessments

An ergonomic workstation assessment involves a detailed assessment of an individual’s work environment including their computer, keyboard and mouse, desk and chair. The assessment will identify the demands placed on using their Display Screen Equipment and will look for certain risk factors which may potentially lead to future health problems, or be causing current health problems leading to reduced productivity or time off work.

Protect Your Best Asset

Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment for their employees. A workforce that is in good health, and has the correct ergonomic equipment will be more productive and less prone to injury and sickness.
Our Service

Chartered Physiotherapists, trained in workstation assessments providing a bespoke ergonomics service with a detailed report and recommendations. Key problems such as adjusting chairs, keyboard and mouse position dealt with on site.
Book an Assessment

Complete the contact form at the top of this page and we will call you back.

Helps to identify risks early before they develop into more serious problems

Protects staff, your key assets, and helps to boost productivity and morale

Empowers the user to take responsibility for their work environment and educates them about health and lifestyle

Sick Days
Prevents time off work and sick days due to musculoskeletal conditions

Expert Assessments

An expert assessment is usually required for people experiencing ongoing, complex ergonomic and DSE problems which are leading to musculoskeletal complaints. The assessment will help to solve these issues more speedily preventing reduced productivity and time off work.


Most of these work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) gradually build up over time where they can lead to repetitive strain injuries, commonly referred to as RSI.
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See our latest articles relating to physiotherapy and health education. At pearl physiotherapy center we aim to keep you up to date with all the latest research and evidence in the world of physiotherapy and musculoskeletal medicine.